every person there is a drive towards the caring
for and pleasing of self; in every person there is a drive towards
other things, a desire to meet and know these….If it is possible; if,
in fact, it is the great purpose of art to be one's self and yet give
everything to the object—can we not find here the just purpose in life
itself?” —from Self and World by Eli Siegel
here for
Sitemap Register
for Acting & Other Classes
Visit my blog: Drama Is Opposites
from the Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company's
recent production of Eli Siegel's great 1951 lecture
Seen Beautifully! or, Voltaire's Candide"

(Bennett Cooperman) and Cunégonde (Carol McCluer) being instructed by
Pangloss (Arnold Perey)

sailor (Christopher Balchin) punching James, the honest Anabaptist
(Karen Van Outryve),
who shortly drowns as he saves the sailor's life.
An introduction to some of what's on this site — see Site Map for complete contents
"I Believe this about Acting": I tell about the urgent,
needed comprehension of the art of acting and the human self that I
learned from Aesthetic Realism and Eli Siegel.
Once More, Different" is my report of hearing Eli Siegel
read this play in 1963, and his new understanding of what Shakespeare
Richard II: Reports of three lectures
Mr. Siegel gave on Shakespeare's Richard II. He's the greatest
Shakespearean critic I know—enabling people to understand, enjoy,
benefit from Shakespeare's works more than ever before.
"Aesthetic Realism; or Is
a Person an Aesthetic Situation?":
A short explanation given by Eli Siegel in an interview with Lewis
Nichols of the New York Times Book Review.
"Understanding Marriage" & "Acting, Life, & the Opposites": Information about
classes I teach & seminar papers I've given with There Are Wives: Barbara Allen,
Meryl-Nietsch Cooperman, and myself.
"My Mother Was a Girl": A short story by my
late husband, Sheldon Kranz, which has been performed
dramatically.Visit SheldonKranz.com for his
historic talk "Turning Over a New Leaf; or, What Is Literature?," reports of Aesthetic Realism classes,
& other works.
Ambition in Marriage: True &
False: From
an Aesthetic Realism seminar, given with my colleagues in the teaching
trio There Are Wives, which includes a discussion of a famous wife in a
play, Lady Macbeth.
Mixup in a Wife between
Coldness and Warmth: From a There Are Wives'
Seminar, includes discussion of scenes from Sean O'Casey's play The Plough and the Stars.
Realism Foundation | Aesthetic Realism
Theatre Company | Terrain
Gallery | Online Library
Drama Is
Opposites | The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known,
periodical | Ellen
Reiss, Editor