Articles Online
Read Eli Siegel's "Aesthetic Realism;
or, Is a Person an Aesthetic Situation?"
From an interview
with Lewis Nichols, New York Times: "Aesthetic
Realism sees the world and a person or self as an aesthetic situation.
It also sees the various sciences and arts as aesthetic situations: painting,
the drama, chemistry, geology have something in common. The question then
is, what is an aesthetic situation?"... >> more
The People of Clarendon County: A Play by Ossie Davis with Photographs and Historical Documents, and Essays on the Education that Can End Racism
Excerpts from the recently published The People of Clarendon County: A Play by Ossie Davis with Photographs and Historical Documents, and Essays on the Education that Can End Racism, edited by Alice Bernstein and published by Third World Press of Chicago, are being presented at many libraries and schools. ...>> more
Sheldon Kranz's "My Mother Was
a Girl"
"The minute he came
into the house, he knew it was the wrong evening. His mother had those
pained lines between her eyes, and her voice was sharp when she spoke.
He escaped into the bathroom to stall for time. He wished he had arranged
to come later in the week." ... >> more
I Believe This about Acting
Believe This about Acting" in Aesthetic Realism: We Have Been There.
Six Artists on the Siegel Theory of Opposites.
My first acting
training at the School of Performing Arts was based on the Stanislavski
method—a method I have enormous respect for. He says: "We need a broad
point of view to act." That is exactly what Aesthetic Realism provides.
>> more
Ethics and Theatre
Oscar for Elia Kazan? He cannot be forgiven
for betraying his friends"
/ Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/6/99
As an actress and
a person who cares deeply for America, I am sickened by the Motion Picture
Academy's plan to present an honorary Academy Award to Elia Kazan on March
During the McCarthy era, Kazan informed on various
members of the theatrical and motion picture community. Giving this award
to him is tantamount to saying that what Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Martin Dies,
and the members of the House Un-American Activities Committee did was,
after all, not so bad —
and let's forget it.... >> more
"Cheers for SAG-AFTRA" Back Stage: The Performing Arts Weekly (New
York, NY) 6/23-29/00
Bravo to my fellow
actors of SAG and AFTRA, striking against the advertising industry, demanding
fair compensation for their work! Shame on the production companies who
New York Times reports) are trying to rob from them what is rightfully
theirs... >> more
Should a Widow Cope with the Loss of Her Spouse?"
When my husband,
Sheldon Kranz, died 18 years ago, even as I had enormous sorrow, I had
the inestimable good fortune to be studying Aesthetic Realism and learning
how to use even this to like the world, to care for people more truly,
to value objects more deeply, to be a better critic of myself and of my
dear husband... >> more
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